Sunday, October 13, 2013

BZZREVIEW - Green Mountain Cofee® Fair Trade Certified™!


Green Mountain Coffee® Fair Trade Certified!

Green Mountain Coffee(R) Fair Trade Certified(TM)

October is Fair Trade Month!

Hhhmm...what is Fair Trade?  The United States consumes one-fifth of all the world's coffee, making it the largest consumer in the world. But few Americans realize that agriculture workers in the coffee industry often toil in what can be described as "sweatshops in the fields." Many small coffee farmers receive prices for their coffee that are less than the costs of production, forcing them into a cycle of poverty and debt.

What is the history of Fair Trade? The Fair Trade movement began in the late 1950s as alternative trade organizations (ATOs) emerged in Europe and the US to promote grassroots development through direct, equitable trade. These ATOs bought directly from Third World producers, eliminating the middlemen, and paid the producers a fair price while providing assistance in developing trading experience and market contacts. Such experiences helped producers raise their incomes while reducing their dependency on commercial middlemen. These first ATOs were primarily "Third World shops" which dealt mainly in handicrafts. Today, there are 3,000 of these shops in Europe organized in the Network of European World Shops, and about 100 in the US, organized in the Fair Trade Federation.

How did Fair Trade Coffee in the U.S. get started? In 1986, Equal Exchange was established to import Nicaraguan coffee as an expression of solidarity with the people and revolution of Nicaragua, after the Reagan administration imposed an unfair trade embargo. Equal Exchange became the only ATO in the US to focus exclusively on Fair Trade coffee, trading according to the international standards before there was a monitoring agency in the US. In the fourteen years since its inception, Equal Exchange has built a small but important niche for Fair Trade coffee, earning the respect and recognition of the specialty coffee industry and helping many farmers to keep their land during the low ebbs in the world coffee market. Other companies such as Peace Coffee in Minneapolis, Zapatista Coffee in Denver, Café Mam in Oregon, Café Campesino in Georgia, and Dean's Beans in Massachusetts have also been active promoting fair prices for farmers over the last five years, as well as promoting education about the coffee industry and the need for Fair Trade.

As a BzzAgent I received I received several FREE samples of Green Mountain Fair Trade Certified Three Continent Blend K-Cups to review.  This was a great tasting cup of coffee that will give you a whole new perspective of your daily cup of java! It's a moment to pause, reflect, and reprioritize.  From carefully sourcing and roasting the highest quality beans, to supporting small farms and protecting the environment, Green Mountain Coffee focus' on what's awesome great cup of coffee that will change your day...but a great cup of coffee can help change the world!

UPDATE FROM THE HUSBAND!  "I always appreciate it when k-cups are light or medium roast but also Extra Bold, as this one is. Three Continents is a really interesting blend. It's smooth and bright, with surprising floral hints, tones of fruitiness, and a touch of earthiness. It's wonderful! I wouldn't expect to have so many flavors in one coffee!"

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